
Iced Americano$10.25

Here is a short description for the first item. Yummy Online provides you very tasty food.


Iced Cappuccino$12.50

Here is a list of 4 items or add more. You can use this template for commercial purposes.


Iced Espresso$14.25

You are not permitted to redistribute this template ZIP file on any other template websites.


Iced Latte$11.50

Contents are organized into 3 tabs. Please contact Tooplate if you have anything to ask.


Hot Americano$8.50

Here is a short description for the item along with a squared thumbnail.


Hot Cappuccino$9.50

Here is a list of 4 items that can add more as you need. Only content area will be scrolling.


Hot Espresso$7.50

Left side logo and main menu are fixed. The video background is fixed.


Hot Latte$6.50

Page contents are organized into 3 tabs to show different lists of items.


Strawberry Smoothie$12.50

Here is a short description for the item along with a squared thumbnail.


Red Berry Smoothie$14.50

Here is a list of 4 items or add more. You can use this template for commercial purposes.


Pineapple Smoothie$16.50

Left side logo and main menu are fixed. The video background is fixed.


Spinach Smoothie$18.50

You are not allowed to redistribute the template ZIP file on other template sites.

About Yummy Online


Yummy Online in India: Discover a delicious range and satisfy your cravings guilt-free with our nutritious & tasty options!

Looking for delicious, Asian-style fast food? Look no more, because here at Yummy Online Restaurant in your City, we're serving your favorite Chinese food! A few of our Chef's specials include Sesame Chicken, Pineapple Chicken, and Seafood Pan Fried Noodle. Our menu also features Lo Mein, Chow Mai Fun, Egg Foo Young and Chow Mein. We are located at the corner of 63rd Street and Meridian Avenue just south of Northwest Expy. You can find us near Dolese Youth Park and Rotary Park. Order online for carryout or delivery!

How we began

If you wish to support us, please contact Thank you. Duis bibendum erat nec ipsum consectetur sodales.


Donec non urna elit. Quisque ut magna in dui mattis iaculis eu finibus metus. Suspendisse vel mi a lacus finibus vehicula vel ut diam. Nam pellentesque, mi quis ullamcorper.


Special One

Here is a short text description for the first special item. You are not allowed to redistribute this template ZIP file.


Second Item

You are allowed to download, modify and use this template for your commercial or non-commercial websites.


Third Special Item

Pellentesque in ultrices mi, quis mollis nulla. Quisque sed commodo est, quis tincidunt nunc.


Special Item Fourth

Vivamus finibus nulla sed metus sagittis, sed ultrices magna aliquam. Mauris fermentum.


Sixth Sense

Here is a short text description for sixth item. This text is four lines.


Seventh Item

Curabitur eget erat sit amet sapien aliquet vulputate quis sed arcu.

Contact Wave

Yummy Online Template has a video background. You can use this layout for your websites. Please contact Tooplate's Facebook page. Tell your friends about our website.